R19-1-327. Farm Winery Sampling
- A licensed farm winery that conducts sampling of the product of the licensed farm winery on the premises of an off-sale retailer or a retailer with off-sale privileges, as allowed by A.R.S. § 4-244.04, shall ensure that:
- No more than six ounces of the product of the licensed farm winery is served to each consumer each day,
- An employee of the licensed farm winery serves or supervises the serving of the product of the licensed farm winery, and
- There is no violation of A.R.S. Title 4 or this Chapter.
- As provided in A. R. S. § 4-205.04(C)(2), a licensed farm winery may provide samples of the product of the licensed farm winery on the premises of the farm winery.
- This Section is authorized by A.R.S. § 4-244.04.