Except as provided in section 4-203.01, subsection E, a decision issued by the director is not final for purposes of appeal to superior court until it has first been appealed to and ruled on by the board. Any aggrieved party may appeal any final decision of the director regarding applicants or licensees to the board based on a contention that the decision was any of the following:
- Founded on or contained errors of law which shall specifically include errors of construction or application of any relevant rules.
- Unsupported by any competent evidence as disclosed by the entire record.
- Materially affected by unlawful procedures.
- Based on a violation of any constitutional provision.
- Arbitrary or capricious.
- The aggrieved party shall file the appeal in writing with the department within fifteen days after service of the notice of the decision of the director. The decision of the director is suspended until the determination of any appeal by the board.
- The board or an administrative law judge shall conduct a hearing on the appeal pursuant to title 41, chapter 6, article 10 and may accept any relevant and material evidence and testimony and exercise the rights prescribed by section 12-2212 or section 4-112, subsection F. At the hearing an attorney or corporate officer or employee of a corporation may represent the corporation. The department shall prepare an official record of the hearing, including all testimony recorded mechanically or stenographically and all exhibits introduced. The department is not required to transcribe such record except pursuant to an appeal to the superior court, except that, upon written request and receipt of a reasonable fee for transcribing such record, the department may transcribe the record or allow for its transcription by the person requesting.
- The board may affirm, reverse or modify any decision issued by the director.