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Administration Division

800 W. Washington, 5th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85007

Anabel Murdock, Budget and Finance 602-763-6911

The Administrative Division includes several agency units; Human Resources, Audit, and Budget and Finance.

The Human Resources Unit manages the proper entrance and exit process for employees, participates in the creation, maintenance and distribution of departmental policies and procedures, as well as facilitate DLLC's on-going employee training curriculum.

The Audit Unit reviews the sales and inventory records of liquor licensed establishments hotel/motel with restaurant (series 11) and restaurant (series 12) to ensure they maintain a 40:60 food-to-liquor sales ratio required by Title 4 in addition to reviewing Annual production Reports for wineries and breweries that have production limits.

The Budget and Finance Unit tracks the use of funding allocated to the department, tracks the source of collected revenues, and deposits those revenues into the state's General Fund.

For more information, please view our Organizational Chart

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