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Contact The Compliance Unit

Gino Duran, Assistant Director & General Counsel
800 W. Washington, 5th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85007
Bob Dorn, Compliance Officer
800 W. Washington, 5th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85007

The Compliance Unit governs the dispute-resolution process. The compliance officer arbitrates cases to reach a fair resolution, and identifies alternatives, when appropriate, to bypass a hearing which is often a costly and time-consuming option.

After a DLLC Investigation Report or police report alleging a violation is filed, the Compliance Unit determines the level of department action warranted. Actions consist of verbal or written warnings, consent agreements, or referral to a full administrative hearing.

Consent agreements may be offered for some violations. In these cases, the licensee is notified to contact the department to informally discuss the case with a compliance officer. Signing a consent agreement usually obligates the licensee to remedy the situation, pay a fine, and/or agree to a suspension for a specified period of time. A Consent Agreement can be as broad as requiring liquor law training, surrendering of the license, or for the licensee to contract professional security personnel to bring their establishment into compliance.

Administrative citations are prepared for the more severe violations and for those licensees who have refused the consent agreement option. When citations are complete, they are forwarded to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) for a formal hearing.

The Attorney General's Office provides legal counsel for DLLC. The attorney may participate in the determination of a compliance action and assist in the preparation of cases with outcomes to be determined during an OAH or a Liquor Board Hearing.

For more information about the divisions and units of DLLC, please view our Organizational Chart.

  • Preparing For Your Compliance Meeting
  • Email A Question to Compliance: