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Glossary of Terms

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Acquisition of Control When a person other than the original licensee acquires control of a license or licensee, notice shall be filed with the department within 30-days after the acquisition, and the newly controlling person is subject to a background check. A.R.S. §4-203(F,H)
Act of Violence An incident in which one or more of the following occurs:
  1. Obvious bodily injuries are sustained.
  2. Disorderly conduct of sufficient intensity to require a peace officer to restore order.
  3. A weapon is displayed or used.
An "act of violence" must be reported to either the Department or the local law enforcement agency within seven (7) days. A.R.S. §4-101(1) and (30), A.R.S. §4-210(A), A.R.S. §4-244(37); A.A.C. R19-1-505.
Action The approval, disapproval or no recommendation of a liquor license application made by a city, town or county.
Advertising Signs and other print material that advertise a product and/or an event or sponsorship of either. A.R.S. §4-243(A)(4) and (D), A.R.S. §4-243.04(B), A.A.C. R19-1-110.
Agent A person who is designated by an applicant or licensee to receive communication from the department and to file documents and sign documents for filing with the department on behalf of the applicant or licensee. An agent must meet the qualifications of a licensee, except that an agent for an out-of-state licensee need not be a resident of Arizona. An agent is not a manager.A.R.S. §4-202(A).
Agent Change Notice of a change of agent shall be filed with the department within thirty (30) days after such a change. The fee for this is $100.00; except that, if a licensee holds multiple licenses, each additional notice of agent change shall be $50.00. A.R.S. §4-202(C), A.R.S. §4-209(H).
Aggrieved Party A person who resides at, owns or leases property within a one mile radius of a premises proposed to be licensed and who filed a written request with the department to speak in favor of or opposition to the issuance of the license no later than sixty days after the filing of the application or fifteen days after action by the local governing body, whichever is later. A.R.S. §4-101(2)
Alcohol See SPIRITUOUS LIQUOR A.R.S. §4-101(32).
Arizona Wine Seventy-five percent (75%) by volume of grapes used in making the wine were grown in Arizona. A.R.S. §4-214 and A.R.S. §4-244.39.
Arizona Wine Label Specific labeling requirements for wine advertised as "made in Arizona".A.R.S. §4-214.
Assignment The transfer of interest in a liquor license. The director must be notified of any assignment. See PROBATE. A.R.S. §4-202(B), A.R.S. §4-204(A), A.R.S. §4-209(I).
Association A group of individuals who have a common interest that is organized as a non-profit corporation or fraternal or benevolent society and own s or leases a business premises for the group's exclusive use.A.A.C. R19-1-101(A)(1).
Background Each applicant and all controlling persons must furnish background information and a set of fingerprints. No license will be issued, or renewed, to any person who within five (5) years has been convicted of a felony, or convicted of an offense in another state that would be a felony in this state. A.R.S. §4-202(B,D,E,F).
Bar License (Series 6) An on-sale retailer authorized to sell beer, wine and distilled spirits in individual portions for consumption on the licensed premises, AND in an original, unopened, container for consumption off the licensed premises in limited quantities established under A.R.S. §4-206.01(F), AND beer in to-go container that is sealed and labeled as described in A.R.S. §4-4-244(32)(c). A.A.C. R19-1-101(A)(2).
Beer Any beverage obtained by the alcoholic fermentation, infusion or decoction of barley malt, hops, or other ingredients not drinkable, or any combination of them. A.R.S. §4-101(A)(3).
Beer and Wine Bar License (Series 7) An on-sale retailer authorized to sell beer and wine in individual portions for consumption on the licensed premises, AND in an original, unopened, container for consumption off the licensed premises in limited quantities established under A.R.S. §4-206.01(F), AND beer in to-go container that is sealed and labeled as described in A.R.S. §4-244(32).A.A.C. R19-1-101(A)(3).
Beer and Wine Store (Series 10) An off-sale retailer authorized to sell wine and beer in an original, unopened, container for consumption off the licensed premises, AND beer in to-go container that is sealed and labeled as described in A.R.S. §4-244(32). A.A.C. R19-1-101(A)(4).
Beneficial Interest Interest of ten percent (10%) or more of the liabilities of the licensee or controlling person. A.R.S. §4-101(9), A.R.S. §4-101(10).
Board See STATE LIQUOR BOARD. A.R.S. §4-101(4), A.R.S. §4-111(A through F), A.R.S. §4-112(A)-(F), A.A.C. R19-1-701 through 705.
Bona Fide Guest A person who is personally familiar to the member, AND who is personally sponsored by the member, AND whose presence as a guest is in response to a specific and personal invitation. Also, if a club meets the criteria in A.R.S. §4-101(7), other ID/military requirements will qualify a person as a bona fide guest. A.R.S. §4-101(5), A.R.S. §4-205(B).
Broken Package Any container of liquor on which the U.S. tax seal has been broken or removed, or from which the manufacturer's cap, cork or seal has been removed.A.R.S. §4-101(6).
Business An enterprise or organized undertaking conducted regularly for profit, which may be licensed or unlicensed. A.A.C. R19-1-101 (5).
Business Establishment See BUSINESS PREMISES. A.A.C. R19-1-101(6).
Business Name Change No licensee shall change the name of his licensed business as specified on the license without first notifying the Department on a form prescribed by the director. A.A.C. R19-1-408.
Business Premises Real property and improvements from which a business operates. A.A.C. R19-1-101(6).
Catering Establishment A business premises that is available for hire for a particular event and at which food and service is provided for people who attend the event. Without a liquor license, a catering establishment may not deal in liquor. Dealing in liquor includes: to provide, sell, store, transport liquor, or to profit or derive any benefit from the sale, storage, or transport of liquor. A.R.S. §4-244(2), A.A.C. R19-1-101(7).
Change of Ownership Any change in the financial set-up of a business establishment which in any way results in a person directly or indirectly becoming a controlling person. Notify the department on a Restructure Application within 30-days after the change. A.R.S. §4-203(E,F,H), A.R.S. §4-209(A) and (F).
Closing Notice The licensee must notify the Department (using an Inactive/Active Status Form) if a license is not used for a period of time over thirty (30) consecutive days. The licensee shall notify the Department prior to placing the license back into use. See INACTIVE. A.R.S. §4-203(G,O),A.A.C. R19-1-405.
Clothing See NUDITY. A.A.C. R19-1-309.
Club License (Series 14) authorization issued to a club to sell spirituous liquor only to members and members' bona fied guests for consumption only on the club premises. A.R.S. §4-101(7) and A.A.C. R19-1-101(A)(38).
Control Power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of an applicant, licensee or controlling person, whether through the ownership of voting securities or a partnership interest, by agreement or otherwise. Control is also presumed to exist if a creditor of the applicant, licensee or controlling person holds a beneficial interest in ten percent or more of the liabilities. A.R.S. §4-101(9).
Controlling Person A person directly or indirectly possessing control of an applicant or licensee. A.R.S. §4-101(10).
Co-op A retail cooperative consisting of 2 or more retail licensees. A.R.S. §4-222, A.R.S. §4-227, A.A.C. R19-1-203, and A.A.C. R19-1-402.
Craft Distiller (Series 18) A person licensed to sell distilled spirits produced or manufactured on-site. The total annual production per license may not exceed 20,000 gallons. A.R.S. §4-101(11), A.R.S. §4-205.10, and A.R.S. §4-205.11.
Credit It is unlawful to offer liquor for sale, on credit, or to give, lend or advance money or anything of value to a customer for the purpose of purchasing liquor. Exceptions are: 1) restaurant/bar charges for registered guests in hotels and motels; 2) credit card purchases; and 3) private clubs that bill their bona fide members. Also, a wholesaler or producer may engage in credit transactions with any other wholesaler or producer. A.R.S. §4-242
Credit Cards All major credit cards are approved to use for the purchase of liquor. A.R.S. §4-242
Deal To manufacture, sell, trade, furnish, distribute, or to conduct business in liquor. A.R.S. §4-201(A)
Deliver The holder of a retail license with "to-go" privileges may deliver liquor to unlicensed establishments or residences when:
  1. a record of delivery is made on an approved form
  2. the record is kept on file for 2-years
  3. the deliverer is 21 years of age or older
  4. the receiver is 21 years of age or older
  5. delivery is made during lawful hours
  6. payment is received at the time of delivery
  7. A.R.S. §4-203(H), A.A.C. R19-1-502, and R19-1-504
Director The Director of the Department of Liquor is appointed by the Governor. A.R.S. §4-101(13) and A.R.S. §4-111(G)
Disorderly Conduct A person commits "disorderly conduct" when, with intent to disturb the peace or quiet, they:
  1. Engage in fighting, violent or seriously disruptive behavior; or
  2. Make unreasonable noise; or
  3. Use abusive or offensive language or gestures to any person present in a manner likely to provoke immediate physical retaliation by such person; or
  4. Make commotion, utterance or display with the intent to prevent the transaction of the business of a lawful meeting, gathering or procession; or
  5. Refuse to obey a lawful order to disperse issued to maintain public safety in dangerous proximity to a fire, a hazard or any other emergency; or
  6. Recklessly handle, display or discharge a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument.
A.R.S. § 13-2904(A)
Disposal of Liquor The Director may issue a temporary permit authorizing the disposal of liquor at public auction. A.R.S. §4-205.05
Distilled Spirits Alcohol, brandy, whiskey, rum, tequila, mescal, gin, absinthe, a compound or mixture of any of them or of any of them with any vegetable or other substance, alcohol bitters, bitters containing alcohol, fruits preserved in ardent spirits, and any alcoholic mixture or preparation, whether patented or otherwise, which may in sufficient quantities produce intoxication. A.R.S. § 4-101(13)
Election Day No law prohibits the sale of liquor during lawful hours on an election day. The law prohibiting this was repealed in 1993.
Employee Any person who performs a service on a licensed premises on a full-time, part-time or contract basis with the consent of the licensee. This does not include a person exclusively on the premises for musical or vocal performances, for repair or maintenance, or to deliver goods to the licensee. A.R.S. §4-101(15)
Employee Log Each licensed retail business with on-premises consumption privileges must maintain, on site, a log of all persons employed at the licensed location. The log must include each employee's full legal name, birth date, home address, and list of responsibilities. A.R.S. §4-119
Equitable Interest Persons having a legal or fair interest in a liquor license must file a statement on a form furnished by the Department. Notice of termination of such interest must be filed in writing. A.R.S. §4-210(J),(K), and (L)
Extension of Premises When a licensee wishes to change the physical arrangement of the licensed premises from the diagram on record at the Department of Liquor. An Extension of Premises request must be submitted on a form provided by the Department. The licensee may request a permanent or temporary change of premises. Examples include adding a patio, adding or deleting windows, doors, dance floors, etc. Prior to approval an inspection may be required by the state. A.R.S. §4-207.01 and A.A.C. R19-1-207.
Fair/Festival With permission from the festival/fair organizers and a fair/festival license issued by the state, a licensed farm winery and/or craft distillery may offer samples to consume at the fair/festival and may sell "to-go" products they produce under their farm winery or craft distillery license. A.R.S. §4-203.03 (farm winery) and A.R.S. §4-205.11 (craft distillery)
Fees Established charges for various licensing procedures. The Department of Liquor website and your customer service representative will have a current list of fees.
Fetal Alcohol Warning Sign See "Pregnancy Warning Sign".
Food Hot and cold items (not to include water) prepared at the licensed premise, intended for human consumption on the licensed premise. For persons operating with a restaurant or hotel/motel license, food sold "to-go" has reporting limit. See the definition for "Restaurant". Revenue from food items sold at a discount must be reported at the discounted value. Only actual monies received for food sales will be considered. Delivery charges on take out orders are not included in food sales.
Full-year Fee When a license is issued more than 6-months before the renewal date, the full fee for that license will be charged. When a license is issued less than 6-months before the renewal date, a partial fee will be charged. A.R.S. §4-209(A)
Gambling The act of risking or giving something of value for the opportunity to benefit from a game or contest of chance or skill. A.R.S. §13-3301.

Gross Revenue The revenue a licensee collects from the sale of food and liquor, regardless of the type of liquor license in use. A.R.S. § 4-205.02(G)(1)
Half-year Fee When a license is issued less than 6-months before the renewal date, a partial fee will be charged. When a license is issued more than 6-months before the renewal date, the full fee for that license will be charged. A.R.S. §4-209(A)
Hearings The Arizona State Liquor Board or the Director of the Department of Liquor may take evidence, administer oaths or affirmations, issue subpoenas requiring attendance and testimony of witnesses, cause deposition to be taken and require by subpoena for production of evidence books, papers and other documents necessary to enforce Arizona liquor law. A.R.S. §4-112(F) and A.R.S. §41-1062
Hotel/Motel with Restaruant (Series 11) An establishment that derives at least forty per cent of its gross revenue from the sale of food, and operates as part of a hotel/motel. In the case of a restaurant license, revenue from food sold "to-go" may not exceed 15% of gross revenue. A.R.S. § 4-205.01(G)(2) and A.R.S. § 4-205.02(G)(2)
I.P. See "Interim Permit"
Identification (ID) Identification that can be used to purchase liquor or to be allowed entry into a business operating primarily to sell liquor. A.R.S. §4-241(A) and (K)
Import Liquor (As a Business) A person who wishes to import liquor into Arizona for the purpose of resale must be licensed by the state. See "Producer" license (Series 1) by copying and pasting this link into your Internet browser: A.R.S. §4-201(A)
Import Liquor (Personal Use) Persons age 21 or older may bring into Arizona from another country a maximum of 1 liter of liquor during any 31-day period if they were in that county immediately before importing the liquor. A.R.S. §4-244.02
Import Liquor (Returning Military) A person returning to Arizona after a tour of duty as a member of the Arizona national Guard, the United States armed forces reserves or the armed forces of the United States may import more than 1 liter of liquor. A Letter of Exemption can be found by copying and pasting this link into your Internet brower: A.R.S. §4-244.02(B))
Inactive License (non-use, temporary) A license must be put in non-use status with the Department of Liquor if the non-use period lasts more than 30 consecutive days. To do this, the licensee complete the "Inactive/Active Status" form. A licensee that holds a license in non-use for more than 5-months is required to pay a $100 surcharge for each month thereafter. The license automatically reverts to the state after 36 months of non-use unless the total accumulated surcharge fees are paid in full or the Director extends use as determined by good cause. A.R.S. §4-203(G, N, O) and A.A.C. R19-1-405
Inducement (Producer or Wholesaler to Retailer) An unlawful producer/wholesale inducement occurs when a producer or wholesaler offers to a retailer any form of commercial bribery which, if accepted by the retailer, would exclude the purchase of liquor sold or offered for sale by other persons. A.R.S. §4-342(A)(2) and A.A.C. R19-1-110(A)(4), A.A.C. R19-1-320(A) and A.A.C. R19-1-321(A)
Inducement (Retail to Consumer) An unlawful retail inducement occurs when a licensee that sells liquor "to-go" offers or gives the consumer a gift, prize, coupon, premium, rebate or offer to pay taxes on the purchase AND the purchase or drinking of liquor is required to receive the offer. A.R.S. §4-112(B)(1) and A.A.C. R19-1-315
Interim Permit A conditional permit that allows the sale of liquor to continue while a liquor application is processed. For this permit to be issued, the following conditions must apply:
  1. an application for a transfer or new license has been submitted to the Department of Liquor,
  2. the application is for the same license series at the same location and the current license was surrendered as required by the Department of Liquor,
  3. the Director has good cause to believe the current licensee is no longer in possession of the licensed premises.
Should the interim permit expire prior to the new license being issued, it is the reasponsibility of the applicant to request a second interim permit. A.R.S. §4-203.01
Intoxicated See "Obviously Intoxicated"
Legal Drinking Age Age 21 or older. A.R.S. §4-244(16).
Licensed Premises The area a licensee is authorized to sell, dispense, or serve liquor allowed by the type of license in use. Premises or licensed premises may include a patio area approved by the Director. A.R.S. § 4-202(26)
Licensee A person who has been issued a liquor license or interim permit by the Arizona Department of Liquor. A.R.S. §4-244(21)
Liquor See "spirituous liquor".
Liquor Board See "State Liquor Board".
Liquor License A document issued by the Arizona Department of Liquor that authorizes a specified person to deal in liquor. License privileges vary with each license series, i.e.: privileges of producer, wholesaler, retailer authorized to deal in wine and/or beer and/or distilled spirits. A.R.S. §4-101(17).
Location Transfer The application process that moves a liquor license from one premises to another within the same county. Only 3 license series may be transferred to another location within a county; the bar (series 6), beer and wine bar (series 7), and liquor store (series 9). A.R.S. §4-203
LocationTransfer The application process used to request a location-to-location transfer within the same county for a bar (series 6), beer & wine bar (series 7) or a liquor store (series 9) liquor license. A.R.S. §4-203(C), (D), and (E)
Manager An individual (not an entity) approved by the Department of Liquor who has the authority to organize, direct, carry out, control or to otherwise operate the day-to-day operations of a liquor-licensed business on a temporary or permanent basis. A.R.S. §4-101(22) and A.R.S. §4-202(C)
Manager's Questionnaire A form provided by the Department and used to qualify an individual to assume the duties of manager for a liquor-licensed location. A change of manager must be reported to the Department within 30-days. A.R.S. §4-202(C) and A.A.C. R19-1-406.
Minibar Located in the hotel/motel room of a registered guest, this small bar holds liquor in individual portions. Access to the minibar may be given only to persons age 21 or older and only during normal serving hours. A.R.S. §4-205.06.
Non-food For the purpose of completing a Cost of Sales Audit, the following items shall be excluded as non-food from food purveyor invoices:
  1. ½ of orange juice purchases
  2. ½ of orange purchases
  3. ½ of cranberry juice purchases (if serve breakfast, otherwise 100%)
  4. ½ of tomato / vegetable juice / Clamato purchases (if serve breakfast, otherwise 100%)
  5. Energy Drinks
  6. Mixers
  7. Any groceries not readily identified
Obviously Intoxicated Inebriated to the extent that a person's physical faculties are substantially impaired and the impairment is shown by significantly uncoordinated physical action or significant physical dysfunction that would have been obvious to a reasonable person. A.R.S. §4-244(14)and A.R.S. §4-311(D)
Physical Barrier A wall, fence, rope, railing, or other temporary or permanent structure put in place to restrict access to a designated area of the licensed business. A.A.C. R19-1-101(32)
Premises The area a licensee is authorized to sell, dispense, or serve liquor allowed by the license in use. Premises or licensed premises may include a patio area approved by the Director. A.R.S. § 4-202(26)
Repeated acts of violence Two or more acts of violence occurring within seven days, three or more acts of violence occurring within thirty days or acts of violence occurring with any other similar frequency which the director determines to be unusual or deserving of review. A.R.S. §4-101(29)
Restaurant An establishment that derives at least forty per cent of its gross revenue from the sale of food. In the case of a restaurant license, revenue from food sold "to-go" may not exceed 15% of gross revenue. A.R.S. § 4-205.02(G)(2)
School A public or private school with kindergarten programs and/or grades one through twelve. A.R.S. §4-207(A)
Serving Hours Liquor may be sold between 6 a.m. and 2 a.m. 7 days per week, including Sundays and election days. Unfinished beverages containing liquor must be cleared away from the on-site consumer by 2:30 a.m.A.R.S. §4-244(15) and (17).
Spirituous Liquor Alcohol, brandy, whiskey, rum, tequila, mescal, gin, wine, porter, ale, beer, any malt liquor or malt beverage, absinthe, a compound or mixture of any of them or of any of them with any vegetable or other substance, alcohol bitters, bitters containing alcohol, any liquid mixture or preparation, whether patented or otherwise, which produces intoxication, fruits preserved in ardent spirits, and beverages containing more than one half of one per cent of alcohol by volume. A.R.S. §4-101(32)
State Liquor Board Separate from the Arizona Department of Liquor, the Arizona State Liquor Board consists of 7 members appointed by the Governor for 3-year terms. Board members are authorized to grant or deny a liquor license should an application be protested by the public, the local government, or the Department of Liquor. The Board reaches a decision to grant or deny a license after the applicant and the protesting party have the opportunity to present their case at a Board Hearing. A.R.S. §4-101(4), A.R.S. §4-111(A)- (F), A.R.S. §4-112(37)(A)- (F), A.A.C. R19-1-701 - 705
Wine The product made by the fermentation of grapes or other agricultural products containing natural or added sugar or any such alcoholic beverage fortified with grape brandy and containing not more than twenty four per cent of alcohol by volume. A.R.S. §4-101(36)