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Department of Liquor Licenses and Control

On/Off Sale Required Documents

At each liquor-licensed location, licensees are required to post, or have on file, specific documents. When an officer conducts a Routine Liquor Inspection (RLI), the documents listed below will need to be accessed and made available during the inspection (R19-1-502(C)).

Exception: The Employee Log may be kept on file at an off-site Human Resources office. If this is the case, the officer will allow the licensee to access the Employee Log for inspection at a later, agreed upon time.

On Off


Employee Log

Fetal Alcohol Warning (English)

Fetal Alcohol Warning (Spanish)


Fetal Alcohol Warning (English)

Fetal Alcohol Warning (Spanish)


Acceptable Forms of ID

No Firearms Allowed

Warning/ID Log


Acceptable Forms of ID

No Firearms Allowed

Warning/ID Log